Who is Vermont Lottery Results.org

We appreciate you asking.. We are a mid-sized web-based marketing group registered and incorporated in Pensacola, Florida. The network of lotto sites aim to please all lottery winner. The sites have intentionally kept The lotto current results on top of the advertisements so our guests don't have to dig through lots of advertising. Most lotto players simply just want the daily lotto numbers so they can go to sleep.


Our mission

Our business model is simple, to gain users appreciation for this website and to become the most popular lotto result service on the net for the millions of lotto participants all over the globe. We hope to gain the respect of a core group of loyal visitors to The daily results pages who might help us grow in part by linking to us from their blogs, DIGGing our results pages, bookmarking or telling others about The results in any other way they feel comfortable with. Making us popular should be beneficial in our quest to maintain limited outside marketing.

Facts about our lotto drawings

The lottery daily results are updated every 15 minutes, so you can be assured that you are viewing the lotto results as fast as they become available to us. We believe our results are about 100% accurate (our sites have never gotten a single report of inaccuracy). If you have any questions about The lotto results, we encourage you to seek the official state lottery website. We also suggest you hang on to losing lotto tix in case of any question in the future.